Wednesday, May 4, 2022

I woke up this morning to rain.  It is pouring.  This is such a delight after a year of drought.  They have even had to evacuate a number of small cities west of here this last few months for fear they couldn’t control the fire.  It is dry, dry, evidenced by all the acres burning further west.  

It is so flat once you get west of Oklahoma City that the wind has nothing to stop it when it starts “sweeping down the plain.”  Of course, we don’t like the wind that twists.  We had a “twisty” warning night before last.  

I gathered everything up I couldn’t live without--including Squig of course--and went across the street to Jeaninne’s house.  She has a shelter.  We didn’t need it, but if I wait for the whistle to blow, I’ll get my hair wet!!  So I wait until one is actually on the ground west of us headed this way.  

It sure is different than it used to be.  My mom would head us all to the cellar the minute it looked bad.  We don’t have to worry about all that now because we have such accurate warnings ahead of time.

Squig crawled up on a pillow Jeannine gave him and went to sleep.  This is the dog that used to be terrified of rain.  Now, he just checks out and sleeps.  We watched it cross over us and then went home.  The only problem was that we got our feet soaking wet.  There was a downpour.

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