Friday, May 13, 2022

Someone (my brother) suggested (yesterday) that I gather all of the blogs I have written (2402 of them) and get them in categories of content and publish them.  It would take years just to read them all again!  And the possibility of organizing anything sends shivers up my spine.  I am not, repeat not, an organizer.  If there is anyone out there who wants to do that, go for it.

Thing is, I’m flattered that he thinks I’ve written anything that’s worth organizing.  He is the brain in the family--not me.  He is a doctor, worked with NASA, was a Navy flight surgeon, and spent 37 years in China breaking into areas where white men had never been--endangering his life. He had the personality to do it--he did underground stuff normal people would consider crazy. He finally got caught and thrown out.  

The only reason I started blogging was to clear up the facts that are written in the first chapter of Genesis and authenticating them in terms of known science.  Which I did--and wrote about.  Go back to blogs 1-50 or so, and read those.  

But writing is like quicksand for me.  Once I got started, I couldn’t stop.  There was always more to say.  That happens as you grow old.  Problem is, people don’t listen to what old people have to say.  Probably because they repeat themselves.  All of our stories have already been told (probably a dozen times) and for the most part, we aren’t making new ones.  I thank all of you for listening.  It gives me a reason to get up in the morning.

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