Wednesday, May 18, 2022

Squig is holding his own.  But it is downhill.  He quit throwing up and is eating again.  Most of the day he just lies in my arms exhausted.  That is my job right now.  To hold him and give him comfort.  He hasn’t given up yet.  So I won’t either.  He’s put four ounces back on.

The refrigerator is completely clean.  I threw out over fifty of those catsup packets.  Why did I keep them?  Who knows.  It seemed wasteful to throw them out.  I threw out things that should have been long gone--long gone ago.  It feels good.  I don’t use catsup very often anyway! 

Next is my closet.  If I don’t wear it, why do I keep it?  I have no idea.  Surely someone needs this stuff.  I took a few purses over to Ann’s garage sale last Saturday.  I just need to get things into bags to go to Goodwill.  I don’t know what has come over me, but I am tired of keeping stuff I don’t need.  Recognizing I don’t need something is an interesting thing.   My Mom thought you kept things because you might need them someday.

One thing I never did was put things in the attic.  I did figure out that if it went into an attic, I didn’t need it.  Moving 26 times helped.  You have to go through things and make a decision if it is worth bothering with.  Most of the time, there is someone who needs something more than you do.  God gave it to you.  You give it to someone else.  That’s how it works.

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