Tuesday, May 10, 2022

Some people are fearful of an organized church, parish, whatever--because they think that particular church holds the key to their acceptance into Christ’s kingdom.  I grew up going to church 6 hours a week.  Nothing wrong with that; I learned a lot. Luckily, it was about Scripture.

But if those six hours a week had been about the church denomination itself, it would have been wasted.  The only thing that matters is that you know what the Bible says.  Not the church.  Not the preacher.  Not the priest.  Every church denomination came along after the disciples scattered.  Up to then they met in homes, small groups.  But they began to have differences of opinions about what rules they should have when all you need is Jesus.  The Bible says Jesus is the only way to reach God.  The disciples warn us about going back to the old way of temples and buildings and regulations and holds up Jesus as our savior and intercessor.  His Spirit rules in our hearts.  He alone deserves our worship and faith. 

The disciples wrote things down.  They wrote to each other. They wrote about Jesus and what he had said.  They wrote encouragement.  That’s what we have now.  We have their letters to each other and to the small groups they had met as they spread the gospel. They did not set up an organized church with rules and with headquarters.  They had the old testament, and they had their memories that they wrote down.

Be careful when someone comes along and tells you what rules you have to follow to go to heaven.  Read the Bible.  Every thing you need is there.  But find a local group that follows those teachings so that you have fellowship with those who also follow the Bible. Where you can worship.

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