Monday, March 6, 2023

A man came to my door yesterday and asked if I would like my number painted on the concrete curb.  "How much?" I asked him.

"Twenty," he replied.  For me and my wife.  She was painting a number on Jeanine's curb across the street.

"Done," I answered. 

I went in the house and got a couple of peanut butter cookies Jeanine had brought me and two Dr. Peppers and took them to the man and his wife and asked, "Are you a Christian?"  He replied yes with joy.  "I know where I am going."

My philosophy is to always speak first.  I thought about that Sunday when the lesson was on the woman at the well.  Jesus broke two rules.  He (1) spoke to a woman...and (2) to a Samaritan.  And he spoke first.  As a result, when she discovered who he was, she ran to the village, told them about Jesus and many believed and more listened when Jesus stayed there two days at their request.  He spoke the woman at the well and she spoke to her town, and many were saved.

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