Tuesday, March 14, 2023

I'm having a hallelujah morning.  Third day in a row with no nausea...Maybe this series of diverticulosis I've had is on the mend.  Could it be that I'm not done for after all?  I think I'll celebrate and go eat a lobster.  Last time I ate one, I spent more time cracking than I did eating.  And made a horrible mess everywhere.  The claw meat is the sweetest.  If you order a tail you miss the best part.

I dog-sat yesterday.  Becky and Craig had to be gone and brought Emmy-Lou over for the day.  She spent the whole time on my lap.  Side ways, long ways, up-side down ways and beside me in every position imaginable.  She was happy.  And I realized that (for sure) I can't get another dog.  Just getting up and down to let her in and out was more than I cared to do.  One day, yes.  A week, year, years...no.  I'd get a cat if it wasn't for the litter box.  My neighbor has a cat that has an in and out cat door and doesn't run away.  That kind of cat I could do.  But how would you find a cat like that???

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