Friday, March 10, 2023

Yesterday I hit bottom again.  Back to the doctor.  More antibiotics --which will put me into an "upset gut from killing all of my good bacteria" at the same time it kills my bad bacteria.  It is an ever circulating ongoing problem.  Normal is what I am aiming for, but don't even know what that is anymore.

The solution is: Don't get old!!.  Everything breaks down all at once.  But there is always hope...just when I give up and think "this is it" the next day, I feel better.

People like me probably shouldn't share what is going wrong---like I am now doing.  But maybe it will encourage you to be thankful for the good things in your life at the moment.  Yesterday I told Pat, "Thank you for taking me to the Pensacola beach four years ago."  I wanted to put my toes in the white sand and remember 1956, when I married Ken and moved to Pensacola.  A young girl who had never been anywhere.  Never seen an ocean, waves, sand, crabs or sea creatures.  And the food!!  Ah the food.  We ate our way across Louisiana and Florida beaches.  I would do it again right now if I could.  Maybe....

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