Monday, March 13, 2023

    Sunday's lesson wass about the man who had been crippled for 38 years--lying by the pool at the gate near the temple.  If he could get in the water when it stirred, he believed that he would be healed. But he was too crippled to do that.  He just kept hoping someone would help him.  Year after year. 
    Jesus passed that way, and the Bible says there was a multitude of crippled, blind, and sick.  But Jesus saw that one man.  And said "Do you want to be healed?"  Why didn't Jesus say, "All of you, I'm here and can heal you.  Just stand up and it will happen."  No, he picked one man.
    I looked through the Bible and almost every time Jesus healed, it was specific.  One on one.  He didn't do group therapy.  And that's the way he deals with us.  One on one.  It is always--always--personal.  He calls your name.
    One of my members said, "He looks at a crowd and sees me...he loves me.  What an awesome God we serve.  He knows our name.  He knows where we are.  He knows what we need.  And He loves us.

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