Wednesday, March 1, 2023

I had once decided to get a Master's in Chemistry, which required that I take Organic  Chemistry--which mainly involves the study of carbon--the building block of all life.  I learned a lot, which has always fascinated me and helped me understand the CO-2 heat dome smothering the earth now and trapping heat and changing our weather.

I have been shocked at the number of people who discount the science involved in this phenom and what caused it. The general response is that we are in a heat age or ice age--which is something that doesn't occur quickly like this change has been.  Our weather has gone crazy.

I have no answers as to how to stop it.  It's become political. Democrats say one thing, Republicans another.  All I know is that I don't like it.  One day our weather is below freezing, the next day it is 75 degrees. Which is killing our crops.  If there is a solution, we have probably missed the opportunity to do something about it---but Pray.

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