Friday, March 17, 2023

I had such a problem with my first publisher, that I was uneasy with the publisher who has bought my second book.  But yesterday, I received copy...their copy.  Edited and ready for my revision.  This is really going to happen!!!
I will probably accept all of their changes unless they are so radical they mess up the scope of the book.  I called Bill to tell him he is about to be famous (ha-ha) and he is excited as well. I am excited beyond words.  I'm an author!

And....they said they would take the other two books I have finished.

Which means I can get all of it out of here and concentrate on a book I'm writing about my dad.  His father was murdered when dad was seven years old.  They never found the killer, or a motive.  He was reaching for his gun on his hip...too late.  Anyway, I can now concentrate on that story.

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