Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Animals don't search for God.  They don't make idols.  They don't ask why they are here.  Or what their purpose is.  If man evolved from some life chain, how is it that no other animal in that chain searches for God?  Or asks questions about life.  Or purpose.  Or eternity.  Where is the evolution of a God sense?  We are different from other animals.  We have a soul.  We are in the image of God.

A few years ago, a dedicated evolution theorist, who was an paleoanthropologist, was so eager to prove his theory that he lied about a human set of bones.  Leakey named his fossil "Lucy," but later it was found that not all of the bones came from the same artifact.  Not that it matters, because there are no "before and after" human fossils in any strata anywhere to show evolution of men.   If you look around you at humans today, they have big heads, little heads.  Big jaws, little jaws.  Slanted eyes, big eyes, little eyes.  There is no common human sample.  We are all different.  Some of us are four feet tall, and some are seven feet tall.  Thousands of years from now if an anthropologist dug up one of us, he wouldn't know much about our size.   And his theories made from the one set of our bones that he dug up would be false.  Evolution theory is riddled with holes.  If it were true, there would be men in all levels of strata.  Sequential sets of bones.

Evolution, however, occurs.  If you put a species in an environment that it isn't suited for, the ones that survive will produce others who survive.  Birds will naturally select through their recessive and dominant genes for long or short beaks, etc., depending on the food that is available.  This is natural selection.  Evolution, however, is change within a species.  Evolution "Theory" is change from one animal species into another species.  Like a chain.  But the links haven't been found for any of them.  They are theorized.  I've said all of this simply to say that I believe in Biblical facts.  Although the Bible doesn't tell us much about all of this, what it does say is scientifically accurate.

I skipped two chapters of Genesis to discuss Cain and the land of Nod, and evolution  "theory."  There are scholars that say Cain married one of his sisters.  But if that were so, why did the Bible say he took a wife from Nod?  They theorize that their DNA was flawless, so there was no problem with procreation.  I reject that interpretation.  Cain would have had to take a sister who had not received the curse of God away from her parents.  Cain was the one who was cursed.  And he said, "everyone out there" would kill him.  Everyone.  Otherwise, only his sister-wife would be "everyone out there."

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