Thursday, January 31, 2019

Have you reached a point in your life where you had an "Ah-Ha" moment.  When you knew for sure that God loves you, died for you and wants you to be a part of His family?  You felt a huge tug at your soul and wanted to respond but didn't know how, or who to respond to.  That feeling, that tug, is God.  That's how the Holy Spirit works.  You respond to Him.

But if you resist, you have no idea whether you will ever have another chance to respond.  God's Spirit is not something you want to ignore.  Don't ever say to yourself, "Later."  Or, "Someday I'll look into that."  In Acts,  7:51, Luke writes, "You stiff-necked  and uncircumcised in heart and ears, you always resist the Holy Spirit..."  And again in Ephesians 4:30, " Don't grieve the the Holy Spirit of God... And in 1 Thessalonians 5:19, "Do not quench the Spirit."

When Jesus sent his disciples out to spread the good news, He told them that if a person didn't listen, to dust the dust off their shoes and go on to the next town.  The message that those people wouldn't listen to was never sent their way again.  They only got one chance to believe.

There are churches that say that if you are saved and then if you sin again, you have to be saved again.  No.  Jesus died for us once.  If that wasn't good enough for the repentant heart, then why did he have to die?  There was already a system of priests and sacrifices for sin.  Why send Jesus?  If He can't save us to the uttermost, then there was no reason for Him to die.

The problem with many folk is that they go forward in a service and say a bunch of words that are given to them--but they never do what is necessary for salvation.  Repentance.  That means you are giving up your old sinful will, and agreeing for the Holy Spirit to control you from then on.  If you mean that, God knows it.  Words don't save you.  The Spirit of God, Jesus, does that.  And once done, you will know it.  Old behaviors fade away.  New behaviors come into your life.  You will love God, love your brothers and sisters and have a desire to do God's will.  It is life changing.

If nothing is changed in your life, you should reexamine yourself.  Who is running the show in your life?  You, or Christ.  I say to the women in my class, "If you aren't a better person than you were six months ago, something is wrong."  I had an "Ah-ha" moment in 1966.  It changed my life.

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