Monday, January 14, 2019

The phrase, "...let the earth bring forth grass, the herb yielding seed, and the fruit tree yielding fruit after his kind, whose seed is in itself, upon the earth...", presents an interesting thought: whose seed is in itself upon the earth.  Were these seeds caught in dry places?  Inside rock formations, or caves, or were there places where earth was above the water?  We aren't told.  Suffice to say, that the plants sprang up at the command of God.  Everything was there for plants to grow.  Light, earth, water, warmth from the sun, and the life that exists inside a seed.  You can't manufacture a seed that will produce life.  It has to come from the mother plant maturing and developing seed.

Which I might as well insert here:  I am itching for spring so that I can plant some of those seeds that contain life.  They are miraculous things.  Each seed I plant will produce fruit "after his kind."  I won't get corn by planting tomato seeds.  Seeds have a "kind."  They are a miracle.

Three earth rotations have occurred.  Then God rearranges things once again.  "Let there be lights in the...heaven to divide the day from the night.  And let them be for signs, for seasons, and for days, and give light...upon the earth.  God is flinging stars, and designing a moon, to give sailors a way to traverse the earth by navigating by the stars.  He is regulating the tide by the gravitational pull of the moon.  "He made two great lights...and set them in the heaven to give light upon the earth."

Then God said, "Let the waters bring forth abundantly the moving creature that has life, and fowl that may fly above the earth in the open skies...

You might want to pull your Bible out about now, and look at how many times the word "let" has been used.  And how many times the word "made" has been used.  After verse one, the word "create" isn't used again until verse 21.  Not in all twenty verses in-between.  In those 20 verses, God is re-arranging, re-doing, re-forming things out of other things.  Or He is allowing, letting, things to occur.  But the  moment is coming that throws evolution theory off kilter.  After a millennium of time, a new kind of animal is going to appear seemingly out of nowhere.  You can understand why the theorist wants to say they evolved from water life.  Because they can't find a connection in strata otherwise.  God is going to create something.  Out of nothing.  That's what the word create means.  You don't "let," you don't "make."  When you create, you start with nothing at all.

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