Thursday, January 17, 2019

We have earth, heaven, light, sun, moon, water, air, fish, birds, animals, reptiles, bugs--a world filled with life.  And then, God performs his third creative act.  "Let us (Us) make man in our image, after our likeness.  And let them (them) have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creeps upon the earth."

1. Fish------Water,     2. Birds------Air,    3. Cattle------Animals,     4. Earth-------Soil,  and
5. Creeping Things----The clean up crew, pollinators and insects.

We are to have dominion over these five categories on earth.  We are to protect fish, water, birds, air, living creatures, the soil, and bugs and bees, etc. that pollinate and clean up decaying things.

We've done a lousy job of it.  We pollute everything we touch.  Water, air, soil, and animal life.  The earth would probably be better off without us.  Look at each one of those categories and you can think of a dozen ways we have dishonored and polluted the job of dominion that God gave us.

But He created us.  Gen. 1:27-28a: "So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created He him; Male and Female, created He them.  And God said to them, Be fruitful and multiply and replenish the earth, and subdue it, and have dominion over..." everything.  Fish, sea, fowl, air, "...and every other living thing that moves on the earth."

There are a number of words in this verse that give me pause.  "Replenish," is one.  This word must refer to what came before--to what is now gone.  You otherwise would just stop at "Be fruitful and multiply."  Replenish means to put back.  It supports the concept of previous life on earth.  And even though the Bible doesn't tell us about what kind of life came before this, it does let us know that there was life before this.  Which we know from fossils in strata.  We know scientifically that there was life before this, and the Bible supports scientific facts.  Facts are facts.   Re--plenish.  Put something back.
A huge problem with evolution theory for Christians is that they attack the Genesis creation story as myth.   Why?  There is no contradiction in the Bible with facts of science.  The contradiction is their theory of how it was done.  Christians believe there was a Creator.  Most evolution theorists don't.  Note:  I am not saying evolution (change) doesn't exist. Change by natural selection happens all the time--in each species gene pool.  A Chihuahua and a St. Bernard have the same gene pool.  Dog.

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