Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Squig and I went to the farm (Pat's house) and ate Hoppin' John for New Year's day.  Since I ate black eyed peas, I'm supposed to have good luck?  I've eaten black-eyed peas every January 1 my entire life.  I'm not sure that prediction of being lucky is trustworthy.  On the other hand, I'm not sure what luck really is.

But I do know what "results" are.  Results are what happens "next."   It's when you eat fewer calories, you lose weight.  Which may also be achieved by eating the same number of calories, but exercising more.  I am amazed how many "diets" there are out there, when the truth is that it is only math.  You count calories, or you count reps.  Too many calories, or not enough reps, you gain weight.

I'm doing both.  For the long haul.  Not to kill myself with one of those "Lose 30 pounds in 30 days" kind of things.  Just watching what I eat--not in a day--but in a week.  If I want something, I eat it.  I just balance out the next day or two.  And peddling on my bike a minute more than I did last week.  You have to develop a routine.  Slow, yes, but sure.  And I'm not horribly over weight.  Last year, I lost 8 pounds.  This year 6 more and I am where I need to be.  You won't be able to tell, but I will.

Results.  Achieved by plodding through and getting stuff done.  I don't try to do it all at once.  Just one thing every day.  Sometimes two or three, but always one.  I have small goals.  But I am always doing something that puts me ahead of where I was yesterday.  Today, I went through all my bills from last year and shredded the ones that weren't necessary to keep.  My goal is to get my tax stuff together.  Next week.  No hurry?  I'll piddle around one step at a time until it's done.  Which for me is March 1.   I've told you before that Procrastination works for me, because when there is something "out there" that has to be done, I get a zillion things done in the meantime.  I don't recommend it.

Happy New Year.  May God bless you as you "Press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus."  Philippians 3:14

I don't ever procrastinate that.  Day by day pressing toward the mark.

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