Wednesday, January 30, 2019

There are moments in our lives that we look back on as turning points.  One moment we think one way, and a moment later, we are changed.  We are different.  Something has happened to  us.

It could be a decision you made to go to school and learn about something specific.  Like when I was 27 years old, and had no answers to give to my class of 17 year old girls when they asked me if evolution was true or not.  I just said that I believed what the Bible said.  To be honest, I had no real understanding of exactly what the Bible book of Genesis said.  I didn't know that evolution and evolution theory weren't the same thing.

But since Ken was in Viet Nam, and my three children were all in school, I decided to go find out what the scientists were teaching.  It changed the direction of my life.  I enrolled in everything I could find on the subject: Comparative Anatomy, Organic Chemistry, Bio-chemistry, Engineering Physics, and on and on.  But it didn't satisfy me.  I kept going.  Degrees were not the reason I was going to school.  I explored Statistical Probability and the laws of Physics.  Statics and Strengths, Dynamics, etc.  And other ridiculous stuff.  But I had enough of the current known facts, and was eventually informed on what science knew, and what it theorized.  I was now ready to examine what the Bible said in better detail.  I had read Genesis before, but not from a scientific perspective.

Taking a bunch of classes does not make you smart.  If anything, it teaches you just how dumb you are and how much more there is to learn.  The only thing I became smart about was the Bible.  I was amazed to find how accurate it was and how it agreed with known scientific facts--not theories.

Now, when someone asks me if I believe the Genesis story of creation, I can say, " Absolutely. And here's why."

Turning points are life changers.  If you need to change your direction in life, find something you are passionate about.  My passion was to be able to assure young people that the Bible was accurate.  Because if one part isn't true, how can you trust the rest of it.  I didn't want the people I was teaching to be in doubt of God's words--any of them.  I ended up knowing a little bit about a lot of things, and a lot about the book of Genesis.  It is accurate.  I'll let one of "you out there" research the rest of it.

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