Wednesday, January 9, 2019

The evolution theorist has a problem.  If all life came from nothing, they must get a chain of events that grows ever better until they have a human being.  So they go back to the first two cells that split, that becomes an organism that mutates, or changes into a multi celled organism that is alive.  From there, this thing grows ever better through magic.  (Defying all the laws of physics which tells us that all things decay and become "worse.")  These changes over huge periods of time become a human!!

The theorist uses fossil remains in strata to track this series of changes over time.  Problem is, none of them have ever found a direct series of changes from one thing to another--of anything.  It isn't a missing link that is the problem, it is billions and billions of missing links.  There is not a single direct connective fossil of anything--anywhere.

And when the dinosaurs vanish, millions of years go by with nothing afterwards that could possibly connect to anything else.  So how do they solve this problem?  They go to the waters on the earth and start tracking fossil remains of water creatures.  (These are the water creatures that I told you about yesterday.  They have been here throughout recorded fossil time--never changing much more than the differences we see in any species.  Blue eyes, brown eyes.  Red hair, brown hair.  Black skin, white skin.  All human.  Other species have similar differences.)  So, what steps are necessary to turn a worm into a man?

You have to get the worm upright--which is impossible without a spine.  Step one then, is find a creature that is worm-like that has something similar to a spine.  An amphioxus is their solution.  It has a notochord, or gelatinous rod like thing up it's back.  Worm, then bam!, an amphioxus.  Nothing fossilized nor strata fossils between the two.  Over and over we are given a theory of what happened.

The reason for all of this convoluted reasoning--as to where we came from--is that the only other solution is God.  Which is unacceptable.  Either we evolved, or someone, something, created us.

From the moment that God said, "Let there be light," He had a plan.  God goes about His plan in an orderly, organized, sequence of events.   He is going to create a type of animal very different from the dinosaurs, and secondly, a create man to care for these creatures.  That's a real "Bam."

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