Thursday, January 10, 2019

If you believe in the theory that one cell became two, became four...became an intricately complex human, well, I probably can't convince you otherwise.  But think of all the complex changes in a cell to eventually become an eye.  Or a heart, or an ear.  All of the human senses are a miracle of design.

And almost all species have two different types--called male and female--appearing at the same time so that reproduction can occur.  Think of how difficult that type of evolution would be!!  And yet, here on earth, we have male and female of almost all species.  Everyone of them evolving (supposedly) into zillions of species arriving in pairs at the same time.  Every time an unusual occurrence like that occurs, the evolutionist must come up with a new theory.  Their solution is that it takes billions of years for this upward, ever better, (never worse) series of events to occur.  Almost like there is a divine plan--which is what they are trying to prove doesn't exist.

I choose God.  When I look out into space, I always wonder, where am I?  Where did this space that holds our earth come from?  What is space anyway?  Where is it?  Why is it?  Where is this thing called space existing?  How far does it go?  When we ask those questions, the miracle of life is a small question.  The only answer is that it all came from somewhere, and the only reasonable answer is a "Creator."  Something beyond our imagination.  God.  And he wanted us here.  Why?  Why would such a marvelous, unimaginable, supreme "Someone" want us?  And when we failed His expectations, why would He want to rescue us from our failure?

It boggles the mind.

But when you accept a divine Creator, the explanation of Genesis is His communication of what He did and the order in which He did it.  "In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth."  And placed them in space.  Only God Himself could do such a thing.  You can't evolve space.  You can't evolve Light.  You can't evolve any of the things that exist in space.  They are created by a mighty, supreme, magnificent hand--beyond our understanding.

"Oh come let us adore Him."

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