Thursday, January 3, 2019

Tonight we are going to get snow.  And if the predictions are reliable, it will be record breaking.  Last year we had almost no snow at all.  I like for it to snow really big every now and then.  You get to turn the thermostat up, or light a fire, and stay home and do nothing.  Everything out there in the world just stops.  Nobody can get to work so people build snowmen with their kids.  All the pressure of life is off.  It's like a free day.

Until someone with a bulldozer clears the streets.   Until people start clearing their sidewalks.  I say take advantage of it while it lasts.

I have a picture of me standing in the snow with a giant ice cycle in my hand--I am probably ten years old.  We had all been playing war or something similar when someone snapped a picture.  We were brandishing ice swords having a wonderful time.  There is nothing quite so much fun as a really good snow.

But I wouldn't want to live where it stays covered with snow all winter.  A little goes a long way.

I looked at pictures today.  And made some decisions.  I separated them into two categories.  Those that I will hang, and those that I won't.  I put the ones that I won't hang in a box by themselves and everyone who comes to see me can go through the box and take what they want.

I didn't finish the job.  But I will.  The hard part is starting.  Once I start, I know I will finish.  Like I said yesterday, I plod and piddle along until  it's done.  I will get it done once it's started.

My next door neighbor brought me a plate of peanut butter cookies.  So much for my plan to lose 6 pounds.  I'll think about that tomorrow.  I ate almost all of them.  I decided that if I was going to eat them eventually, why not just go ahead and eat them all--and get it over with.

It seemed to make sense at the time.  Now, I'm not so sure.

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