Friday, January 11, 2019

We have space.  We have the heavens.  We have the earth.   The dinosaurs are gone, but the waters are full of life.  Then...God moves on the face of the water...."Let there be light."  And there was light.  When God moves, things happen.  When He moves in your heart, you feel His presence.

God named the light "Day."  And He called the darkness "Night."  Night and day.  The earth must be turning on it's axis for that to occur.  How long was a turn?  We don't know.  But we do know it made a full 360 degree turn because the Bible says:  "And the evening and morning were the first day.  This first day is the beginning of a new work God is starting.  Was the world spinning before this?  Did something (meteorite) knock it off it's axis and subsequently stop rotation?  I don't know.  Neither does anyone else.  It really doesn't matter.  What matters is that something new is beginning to happen.  We may assume that the sun was created in the beginning for there to be night and day--and for the dinosaurs to have had grass, hay, plants to eat.  But that was eons ago.

The next thing God did was divvy up the water.  Water above the earth, and water on the earth.  He made the heavenly water and the earthly water.  Then He gathered the water together and let the dry land appear.  And named them.  Earth, and Seas.  Teutonic plates began to move, pushing up mountains.  I think those days must have been very long--but God could have done it all in an instant.  The reason I think the days were long is because we find fossils of water life in the mountains.  Things lived, died, and were fossilized--taking time.  That doesn't matter either.  God did it.

Each time God did something, He declared it, "Good."  Notice that He is not creating here, just rearranging.  He is "letting" things happen.  God does this work three ways:  First he created.  Then He used what was there to "make" things.  Then he "let" things occur.  Only three times in Genesis does he "create" anything.  I'll cover that later.

On the fourth "day" He said, "Let the earth bring forth grass, the herb yielding seed, and the fruit tree yielding fruit after his kind, whose seed is in itself, upon the earth."  And it was so.  God is "letting" something that is already there on earth do its thing.  Sunshine.  Water.  Then plants grow.  I'm a gardener.  I can't make seed grow, but within that seed there is a miracle waiting to happen.  Life.  The very hand of God himself.

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