Monday, January 28, 2019

So what do we know?  We know that God created us.  Put his breath, or Spirit, within us, and intended for us to live in Eden--heaven on earth.  But man disobeyed his maker, and was thrown out of the garden.  We know that Adam and Eve had two sons.  Cain killed Able and was banished to Nod where he took a wife.  There were most probably people out there because Cain asked God to put a mark on him so that "everyone" out there wouldn't kill him.  We know that the serpent was cursed to crawl on the ground; the woman was cursed to have pain in childbirth and Able was cursed to have to till the earth--a new requirement--and the earth would work against him by growing weeds.

We also know that there may have been a number of restorations of the earth, and days back then can't be determined to be 24 hours.  We know the dinosaurs died, the fish lived, some of the birds lived, and nothing much else lived except creeping things.  Cockroaches, crickets, etc.  And we know that the restoration of the world--as we know it--brought many new animals that aren't connected to the dinosaurs.  We know that no "missing links" that have been found in strata of any species.

Basically, we know that evolution "theory" denys a Creator, and that the theory is full of holes.  I have been researching this since the fifties, and have cut out literally hundreds of stories announcing the newest "find," only to read a few years later that the story was inaccurate.  I can't tell you how many times published "truth" has been found to be inaccurate.  But in 61 years,  We have not had to change a word in the Bible.  How the Biblical writers got it right is a miracle.  They had nothing in the way of scientific knowledge years ago when it was written, but they got it scientifically correct.

On Nova last week I watched a science program on TV that finally got it right.  It has taken them forever to put it all together, but they finally did it.  I strongly recommend it.  "The Day the Dinosaurs Died."  They even know where the 3 mile wide asteroid hit.  And when.  I have always believed it was the Gulf of Mexico.  To my surprise, they agreed and showed footage of the crater.

I finally felt vindicated for my belief that the Bible is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.  Watch it the program.  And compare it to the Biblical account.  I especially liked the part where they showed that the earth was in total darkness (!) and all the dinosaurs died and plant life died in the darkness.  Gen. 1:2 "...darkness was on the face of the deep."  Biblical truth.  They should have just read the Bible in the first place.  Google it.

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