Wednesday, January 16, 2019

The animals began to reproduce in the manner that God intended.  Each species procreated and began to fill the earth, just as God had blessed them to do.

Then, after the water life multiplied, and the birds filled the air, natural selection began to produce all kinds of fish and birds--fit to inhabit every type of climatic, and use every kind of food source--all of these birds and fish were different, but all were distinguished as fish, or birds.

Natural selection is the method by which the genes we carry--which are dominant, or recessive--give us all kinds of variation in a species.  An example of among humans to explain selection would be the human eye.  It is brown (dominate) or blue (recessive).  Each parent can carry one gene of each.  But if one parent has two brown genes--they will never have a blue eyed child.  Even if the other parent is blue eyed.  Both must have a blue gene to have a blue eyed child.

However, if each parent is brown eyed, but carries a blue gene, the odds are one out of four of having a blue eyed child.  Further combinations require an education in genetics to explore.  I've done that, and it is fascinating to see all the variations in nature that come from natural selection.  But one thing stays the same, a bird is a bird.  A dog is a dog.  No matter what they look like.

The evolution theorist has only two ways to suggest that a species becomes a different species.  Natural selection, or mutation.  That's it.  But natural selection doesn't produce new species--just variations in the given species.  And mutation is almost always negative.  And if there is a mutation that might be beneficial--what is it?  Male or female.  If if is male, where is its counterpart mutated female at that same moment in time?  Mutation is so far fetched as to be ignored.

All of this fascinates me--as you can tell.  I include only a tiny glimpse into the science of it all, simply to say that the scientist who says that evolution theory is a fact, is simply not honest.  I watched a NOVA episode the other night on Quantum Physics--going beyond E=mc2 into the building blocks of all matter.  The summation was that it is "Spooky."  That it could only be seen "if you were looking at it."  Now you see it, now you don't, or "entangled."  What a "web" the subject of matter beyond molecules entails.  You eventually get to something you can't explain.  God?

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