Monday, January 7, 2019

Genesis is like a magnet for me.  I am drawn back to it over and over.  Genesis tells us that God did everything.  The Apostle John starts his epistle by referring to Genesis, and adding additional information saying, "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.  The same was in the beginning with God.  All things were made by him; and without him was not anything made that was made.  In him was life; and the life was the light of men.  And the light shone in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not." John 1:1-5.  Jesus is the Word, is God, and is the Creator God.  Jesus, God, is the light of the world.

Light.  It controls the universe.  "Let there be light,"  is what God said in Genesis 1:3.  And  things started to happen.  I watched the documentary on Apollo 8 the other night--again--and was so overcome with the first picture of the planet earth that was taken from space.  It is alive with light.  And color.  What a great God we have.  Oceans, land, ice, for water, green for grass!!

After there was light, darkness faded away.  That darkness that was on the face of the deep (water) in Genesis 1:2, was gone.  Was the earth rotating?  Who knows. If it was not yet rotating, there was no measure for a day.  And yet, the next few passages number the things that God did in "days."  How long were these days?  Without knowledge of rotation at that time, we don't know.  Rotation changes.  Every time there is an earthquake, volcano, tsunami, or meteorite impact, rotation speed changes.  And the Arctic ice core drill samples show that these things have happened over and over again.

If you read Luke's account of the genealogy of Christ, he starts with His birth and traces Him through his ancestors all the way back to Adam.  Around 6000 years.  Some say that is the age of the earth.  Which isn't true.  We know that it is much older.  (The subject of time depends on days and years--and that depends on rotation speed.)

You don't need to know about rotation to trust Christ as your Savior.  The only reason to discuss it at all is because the Evolution theorists say that Genesis is a myth.  It isn't.  It is exactly, perfectly, ecologically in order.  God's word is true.  Our children and grandchildren need to know that the Genesis account is true.  God started something called time.  We define it.  He didn't.  All we know is "In the beginning...God."

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