Friday, January 4, 2019

Well, a record snow for today would have been 2"+.  Nothing to brag about.  I was thinking about a getting a foot.  Which didn't happen.  Neither did 2".  We had a foot in Pryor a few years ago.  Squig went into a total recession.  He was very frightened.  But then, he is afraid of everything.  I had to literally throw him out into it when he had to "go."  And then I had to plod through the snow and go get him because he was afraid to walk back through the snow to the house.

This snow was so "nothing" yesterday, that Squig ran out the back door and into it without hesitating.  The only thing he did was sniff  at it.  And march, picking his feet up high as he headed to his special "spot."  But rain is still his top fear.

The up side is that he wants me to hold him and comfort him when snow, rain, sleet, thunder, lightening or hail are going on.  It lets me know that he loves me and looks on me as his protector.  Which I am.   I dearly adore this dog.

We have been fighting all week.  I bought him a sweater because it has been so cold.  He's not having any part of it.  I'm winning so far.  He hasn't learned how to get out of it yet.  But not for lack of trying.

I never knew that dogs had different personalities.  I thought they were all just dogs.  Kind of like cows.  Or sheep.  But no.  They are really different from each other.  Someone told me that cows and sheep can have personality as well.  I find that hard to believe.

Becky has had to say good-by to two of her dogs that she dearly loved.  Maya, and Max.  And now she only has Annie--who has heart trouble.  Pat found Annie wandering out in the country and brought her to Becky.  Annie is the most expensive free dog any of us has ever had.  She has multiple problems just staying alive.  Pat has lost a number of dogs also.  I don't want to think about that.

Squig will be eleven in March.  I don't want to think about that either.

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