Friday, April 26, 2019

Americans are notorious for not granting the government authority.  They riot.  Break laws, run stop signs, cheat on their taxes, drive over the speed limit, steal, and on and on and on...Americans are notorious lawbreakers.  They want to decide which laws they will obey and which ones they won't.  The laws don't apply to them if they decide they don't.  Americans want to be in charge of their lives with no regard to others.  We are notoriously independent.

But to live in a safe and secure place, we have to make a decision to obey the laws of the land, and recognize (or hope) that they are for the common good.

But we also know that some of the laws are stupid.  Which drives us nuts.  The government has drifted closer and closer to trying to legislate morality because we have become a nation of immoral people.  We now have hate crimes.  School rules on bullying.  Inclusiveness.  Things that used to be part of a social differences, we now try to legally enforce as behaviors of tolerance.

Tolerance is not achievable without people giving up principles, regardless of whether those principles are right or wrong. Principles are the bedrock of our differences.  As an example: There are dozens of Christian denominations that differ on the subject of baptism.  Some immerse, some sprinkle, some think baptism saves you, some strongly disagree, some require immersion for joining their church, some regard it as optional.  But all agree on the resurrection of Jesus Christ.  These denominations don't tolerate, they agree to disagree.

Every institution, every organization, every race, every group has its beliefs.  To tolerate, you have to agree to give up your principles.  And if that happens, we will no longer be individuals, we will be an amalgamated blob.  Differences define us.  What we really want is for people to quit fighting over small differences and come together on large principles.  What we really want is to go back to the moral laws the Bible defines.  We want a Godly nation.

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