Monday, April 8, 2019

Jesus could heal people.  He didn't have to touch them.  He didn't even have to be in the same place that they were.  They could be miles away.  This week in Connection group we talked about the Gentile woman who came to Jesus and asked for Him to heal her daughter.  Mark 7:25

She had three strikes against her to begin with.  First, she was a woman.  Women didn't come up and speak to men the way she spoke to Jesus.  Second, she was a Gentile.  Jewish men were not to have anything to do with Gentiles.  And third, she had left her sick daughter at home where Jesus couldn't touch her.  

Jesus fame--for healing--had spread.  Even to the Gentile world.  Jesus had taken refuge in a predominately Gentile community by the sea, to try and give him and his disciples time to rest.  They had been besieged by people wanting to be healed.  Jesus didn't come for that purpose--although he did heal people.  He came to tell us about the Kingdom of God.  

Any way, he healed her daughter.  Without seeing or touching her.  And then, he healed a deaf man whose tongue was defective and he couldn't talk.  But with this healing, Jesus put his fingers in the man's ears, and his spit on His finger to touch the man's mouth.  Sound's gross, but one of my members commented that Jesus shared Spiritual DNA.  Interesting thought.  Did Jesus have to do that?  Of course not.

He could have just spoken and said, "Okay, you are healed.  You can hear and you can speak."  

Why did he do it that way?  I don't always understand why Jesus did things the way He did.   I just know that He heals people today.  In different ways. 

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