Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Finally.  I planted the tomatoes.  Even though they say we will have frost this week.  I'll cover them with something if that happens.  Scott sent me a dozen "Jet Stars."  They don't have the taste of a Big Boy, or Better Boy, but they will produce ten to twenty times the tomatoes.  Don't get me wrong, they are good tasting tomatoes, I just wish heritage tomatoes didn't have so many problems.

I'm splitting the dozen with Ann.  She's the only other gardener around here besides me.  She got me to plant potatoes which I had never done.  They are popping through the ground and I am covering them with more dirt as they come through.  That way I'll have potatoes all the way down the stem.

It seems to me that every flower, plant and tree are for the good of mankind.  I think God knew what he was doing.  He made the world for us.  Then put us here.  Designed the oxygen we breathe.  The water we drink.  The sun that makes it all grow along with the rain.  All of it for our good.

I wonder how long it is going to take us to finish ruining it.  The oceans are the key to life.  And plastic is showing up in the stomachs of whales and other sea life.  Tons of plastic.  There are entire islands of trash and plastic in the oceans now.  I wonder when we will finally get a clue about saving our planet.  We need biodegradable plastic along with biodegradable everything else.  It costs money, and nobody wants to spend a nickel more than they have to.

We used to think that none of that mattered because the world was so big it would absorb it all.  The world isn't that big.  And it becomes smaller every time we add a million more people.  We are smothering the earth with our trash.

I wonder what God is thinking?

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