Monday, April 15, 2019

One of my daughters tells me I live in the past.  Of course I do.  That's where everything happened to me.  That's how I got to where I am now.

It would be ridiculous to think that I have as many years ahead of me as there are years behind me.  There aren't.  But the years I have now are lived with the wisdom I acquired through my journey.  "Get wisdom, my child..."  

I wish I knew more young people who would like to have some of that wisdom--but in our world today, the young don't listen to the old.  They live in the moment with not much thought for tomorrow.  Old people are just old to them.

Sometimes, I wish I could go back to Beaufort.  I wish I could live those years over again and recognize how precious they were. They were awesome years--but at the time, I didn't recognize that.  I wish, but, they are behind me--not ahead of me. A wonderful memory, but You can't go back to Beaufort.  You can't go back anywhere.  Period.  You have to keep moving forward.  

So what is ahead of me?  I will keep writing.  I will keep telling stories.  And hope someone, somewhere out there is listening.

If you are young, and would like to know how to live a happy life and reach an old age with the satisfaction of a life well lived, I would give you one piece of advice after watching many, many people crash and burn.  Give your days to God.  Give your days to others.  Give.  Don't be a taker. 

Don't be stupid by following people who lead you down the road to disaster.  Find friends who are on the path of kindness.  As Ken always said when he taught Sociology:  "You become who you run with."  

Unless they are seeking God, you don't want to go there.  It isn't pretty.

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