Wednesday, April 24, 2019

There was a pattern in the 1930's and 40's of depression glass called Waterford.  Sometimes called Waffle.  It came in three or four different colors.  I started collecting it over fifty years ago in pink, and it was fun.  Kind of like an Easter Egg hunt.

Through the years, Ken and I would stop on our way to somewhere else, run in an antique store and make a quick pass through to see what we could find.  He wasn't particularly interested, but was a good sport about it.  

Once on the way to Tulsa, we stopped at a hole in the wall junk store in Inola, and Ken came back to where I was looking around.  He was holding four salad plates and asked, "Isn't this what you are looking for?"  It was.  I was so excited.  I had never found a salad plate before.

It got harder and harder to find through the years for a price I was willing to pay.  But I finally had a full set--except for the round butter dish lid.  I found the bottom but no lid.  So it was the only thing I didn't have.  I quit looking because the butter dish on e-bay came up only a couple of times and was $250.  Which is outrageous.  I was thinking five or ten dollars at the most.  And never in all those years did a lid come up for sale by itself.

So last week I was looking for something else, and a notice for the lid popped up.  Valued at over $150.  Which is also ridiculous.  That's not an Easter egg hunt, that's just buying over the counter.  But the temptation was too much.  I bid on it at a price so low I thought e-bay wouldn't accept the bid.  And then forgot about it.  I just got a notice that I bought it.  For almost nothing.  What that says is that nobody is buying it anymore.  We buy what our grandmother used and Depression glass is out of date.  Tupperware is in.  Save some money because none of your kids will want any of it when you are gone, anyway.

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