Friday, April 12, 2019

Of course, since my azalea bloomed, I was tricked into thinking that spring was here.  But it is going to freeze tonight.  It's Oklahoma.  What else can you expect.  Except this time, I really thought the winter was behind us.  They said on the news that it could even snow on Sunday.  Go figure.

April 13, 2019.  Freezing weather.  

And we've already had a tornado scare week before last.  Hail the size of tennis balls.  All we need is an ice storm and we'll have every weather possibility covered except a flood or a dust storm.  

I planted the tomatoes.  I took all my potted succulents outside.  This time, the plants are all just going to tough it out.  I don't have the energy to get them all back inside.

I wore out a bottom sheet on my king size bed last winter and couldn't bring myself to throw it out because they are so expensive.  What in the world was I thinking!  You can't sleep on a sheet with holes in it.  Ta-dah!!  I found a purpose for it.  I covered up my plants with it to keep them from freezing. 

Now, as soon as it warms up again, I can throw the sheet out.  It found its intended second life.  

Ken's mom would patch the fitted sheet when it was worn.  Women in the thirties and forties  patched everything, darned socks, turned the collars and cuffs on shirts to get double wear.  People today toss everything and think things doing things like that are nuts.  They haven't been poor.  Everybody in those times were in the same boat.  They didn't think they were poor.  People today don't have a clue what you can do without.

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