Monday, April 22, 2019

I thought there would be thirteen people.  There were eleven.  It was Jon's birthday and I think the last time Easter was on the 21st of April was in 1957.  It doesn't happen very often.  Not in Jon's lifetime.  He was born in 1972.  

I know there is some algorithm for figuring out when Easter is, but I always forget what it is.  

Dinner was a free-for-all as usual when any of my clan get together.  Three dogs knocking over the water bowl.  People sloshing through the water with others mopping it up with their feet on a towel.  Craig slicing ham, Becky stirring the gravy, people sticking their fingers in everything to get a bite.

My friend Jeanette brought a huckleberry pie.  That was unexpected and delicious.  My family is nuts about huckleberries.  Everybody brought something, and everyone ate too much, so it was a successful gathering.

Brady checked the potatoes that he planted last time he was here, and was delighted that they were coming up.  He also told me that my tomatoes looked good.  Declaring himself to be the judge of gardening.  He's seven.

Tate scattered the puzzle pieces all over the floor--laughing at the mess.  He's four and his mother was ready to thrash him.

All in all, a wonderful day.

Christ is risen and lives in our hearts. 

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