Monday, April 29, 2019

I am hooked on the TV show "My 600 pound life."  I know.  It's a stupid fascination.  People are eating themselves to death, and they say that they don't know what to do about it.  I just don't see how anyone with access to media doesn't know what makes them fat.  They consistently say, "I don't know how to stop," or "I can't stop." Some of them have been emotionally broken in childhood and eat for comfort.  Many of them were molested and felt it was their fault, and they are punishing themselves.  It's sad that they feel so helpless.

It's almost like there is a disconnect between what they put in their mouth and what they think that means.  Some of them don't even know what a calorie is.   I keep thinking the show is all "made up" but they show these people lying in a bed who haven't been up for years because they weigh 600-700 pounds.  They can't walk because their legs won't hold them up.  People wait on them.

To keep gaining weight, they have to have somebody bring them the food.  Why would you bring junk food to help kill someone and say it's because you love them.  If you want to lose weight, stop eating fried food, bread, (Pasta) and sweets.  That's it.  That's where the calories are.  It's simple.  High protein, low carbs.  There isn't a plan B.   But you can have anything you want--occasionally.

I went to one of those church buffets where everyone brings their favorite food. I ate all of it.  Fried chicken, mac and cheese, lime jello pecan salad, baked beans (with molasses) potato salad and huckleberry pie. Among other things. I love to taste different foods that I don't normally cook.   I gained 1.8 pounds in one day. That's how you gain. (But, then I lose it in a week because I cut my calories.  It's my once a month indulgence.  Once.)

Some people eat like that every day and wonder why they gain weight. It's actually simple.  It isn't how much you eat, it's what you eat.  I've never joined Weight Watchers, but they have an easy to use point system that is effective. 

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