Friday, April 5, 2019

Some people never learn.  They do the same thing over and over again expecting a different result.  That is the definition of insanity.

Well, yesterday, I saw a sad thing that is going to end up in disaster.  The robin came back to the ledge above the transom and began to rebuild her nest.  It was so sad to watch.  There was no wind to speak of, so I guess she thought the "No Wind" situation was going to be permanent.

She didn't learn from her mistake.  After losing her entire day's work the day before--when the wind blew her nest away, she waited for the wind to stop blowing--instead of looking for a better place to build her home.  All day yesterday, she carried straw to the ledge and built a perfect nest.  

And now that she is finished building it, she is going to lay her eggs.  It will be a miracle if the nest and eggs survive.  There is nothing to anchor it to the ledge. and the ledge is only four inches wide.  The first gust of Oklahoma wind is going to once again take it airborne.  

I feel like I am watching a train wreck.  I want to get a ladder and climb up there and give her some advice.  Or pick the nest up and put it in a tree.  But situations like this one can only be rectified if the robin would listen to me.  

I have seen many train wrecks in my life.  They usually begin in the young years of a teen who makes a bad choice, and continues down the same path over and over again.  Once on the track, they are going to eventually crash.  So many people live in the moment with no thought about the train's destination.

Adults are no wiser. They destroy their lives and marriages with no thought of where their train is headed.  Or how they should build a secure nest.

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