Tuesday, April 23, 2019

I got a note from a lady who lived in my Pryor neighborhood--which was small--during the late 60's.  She said she didn't know how she discovered my blog, but she was reading and enjoying it.  I thought that it was interesting that someone from the past found, and is reading what I am writing.  It was a pleasant feeling to know that. 

I have no idea who reads this unless you let me know.  There is a "Send Feedback" button, and every now and again someone uses it.  Thank you.

I finally got the book contract like I wanted it.  And today, I signed it.  Jeanette came over and we went over it for one last time.  It has been a lengthy process because I didn't want to sign my rights away.  I could have signed it three months ago, but couldn't bring myself to do it until I was completely satisfied with it.  I didn't want anyone adapting it or adding to it.  

It shouldn't delay printing.  There is some editing to do. But I've finished that.  All that needs to be done is for the publisher to correct her copy.

I feel like a weight has been lifted.  There is not much else I can do.  I've done everything I know to do.  All that is left is for people to buy it and read it.  In September.  I think the name of it will be "The Letter."  Unless that name has already been copyrighted.

This has been a strange thing to accomplish at my age.  But I am encouraged.

Maybe God isn't finished with me yet??

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