Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Yesterday I drove to Tulsa.  I don't think I was ever on the Turner Turnpike between Oklahoma City and Tulsa at this time of year before.  I sure don't remember it.  And I think anyone would remember it. 

The redbuds are in full bloom, and every mile between here and Tulsa was filled with pink.  Literally hundreds and hundreds of redbud trees--mile after mile after mile--were blooming in clusters and rows that took your breath away.

You can really see why it is our state tree.  It was awesome.  Really beautiful.  It made the long boring drive bearable.

I had lunch with an old acquaintance   We went to high school together and had dozens of friends in common.  It's always nice to reminisce about "The Good Old Days."  He kept me laughing at his high school shenanigans.  I finally heard which guys put the yellow ocean marker dye from WW2 in the Claremore pool.  He admitted his culpability, and said he and the other two culprits had to scrub the walls of the pool--after the city drained it--to remove the dye.  At least they didn't end up in jail.  Claremore and Pryor athletes were enemies.

I went to the dermatologist in Tulsa.  It was the only reason I drove.  By the time I got home, I was beat.  I don't think I'm the girl I used to be.  Driving west at the end of the day is never fun in the Oklahoma sun.  I sat down in my chair and fell asleep.  I've heard we old critters do that sometimes.

I'm going to spend today doing nothing.  And as Ken used to say, "I'm going to go to bed tonight with it half done."

1 comment:

  1. Mrs. Jacks,

    I am not sure how I came across your blog, but I am enjoying your daily posts. I grew up, the youngest of five Websters, just down the way, on Bryan, from your home on SE 8th Place. I played with the Dickson sisters, and your neighbor Julie. I am not sure why we two, you & I, never made a neighborhood acquaintance.

    Thanks for writing your daily posts. I am confident that I'm not the only one who gleans wisdom from your words.
