Thursday, April 25, 2019

Authority.  Who has it?  There are a number of ways to gain authority.

1.  Appointed.  Like a federal judge, or by being granted authority over a specific situation by your boss or someone else who is in charge.

2.  Elected.  Voted on as the class president, governor, senator, president, etc.

3.  Conquered.  There has been in a war and someone is victorious.  That leader, or country has won the authority to rule by force.

4.  Granted.  You follow someone because you choose to do so.   

Ken taught Sociology after he retired from the Marine Corps.  It is the study of the way people interact with each other, and why, and how. The Marine Corps has a unique system of authority over its members.  And every member at every rank accepts that authority.

Ken taught that authority is always granted from the bottom up, and never from the top down.  No one has any authority over you if you don't grant it.  They may torture you, or kill you, or throw you in the brig, but ultimately you are the one who decides who you will obey.  And who you will follow.

People followed Jesus by choice.  Throngs, crowds, and disciples.  Which drove the Pharisees and Sadducees mad.  They sought a way to kill him.  They had been "appointed" by the Romans to rule the Jews, but the people wouldn't follow them; they followed Jesus. People chose Jesus over the religious rulers.

 I have "granted" God authority over my entire life because I decided to do so .  And it is life changing.  It also changes eternity for those who follow Him.  

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