Wednesday, April 3, 2019

I am trying to get stains out of a couple of dozen tablecloths.  They are all brand new, never used.  They are gorgeous cut work, embroidered linen from the Orient.  They lady who had them lived in the Orient, and bought them there in every size imaginable including round ones in different diameters.   But she never used any of them.  Perhaps they were going to be presents for members of her family?  Dozens of napkins as well.  She died, and they can't be sold in her estate in the condition that they are in.  They are badly stained.

That's where I come in.  When Becky can't put something in a sale because of the condition of the item--there are strict guidelines--she tries to correct the problem so that the estate gets the benefit.  And since I work for free, that works all the way around for everyone.  The problem is solved with no cost.

So, for the past three days I have used every product known to man trying to remove the stains.  I am working on only three tablecloths, no point in trying to fix the others until I find a product that works.  I am on my fifth bottle of stuff that is advertised to absolutely take stains out.  Each product claims it will remove every kind of stain know to man.  Every stain in the universe.

So far, no luck.  The stains are smaller and are not as obvious as they were,  but they are still there.  I am using my last bottle of cleaning stuff soaking in the washer overnight.  If this doesn't work, then I'm giving up.

Which brings me to this:  There is a song that we sang in Church when I was a child that had a line in it about stains.  It went like this:  "Sin had left a crimson stain...He washed it white as snow.

You don't need Oxy-clean, Clorox, Bix, Nature's Miracle, or any other product when your life is stained.  You just need forgiveness.  And Jesus paid it all.  You can be clean.  You can start over fresh again.  Praise God.  And it's free.

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