Wednesday, April 17, 2019

They say the pipe organ survived.  Watching the fire, I find that almost impossible to believe.  But it is a blessing, because even if you are not Catholic, which I am not, music is the universal sound of praise.

Becky brought a young man over who helps her with clean up and set up for estate sales.  She called first and asked if I was up for a performance.  I fixed him a sandwich and played the marimba for him.  "Amazing Grace, Leaning on the Everlasting Arms, and Victory in Jesus."  I usually play Amazing Grace for people because the whole world recognizes it even if they are not Christians.

I'll be playing for a retirement community tomorrow.  Our senior choir does that once a month somewhere.  I keep a marimba in the trunk of my car and never take it out except to play somewhere.  My big one is here in the family room with me.  It has an extra octave below "C" that has a beautiful sound.  It can also be broken down and transported, but it is a mess to do it. 

I played for all the civic groups in Pryor growing up.  As well as churches.  I was a much better marimbist back then.  Youth has advantages.  But I thank God that I don't have arthritis in my fingers or hands so that I can still play.  

My mom was a stickler for seeing that I didn't just end up as a blob of humanity on earth.  Everything unusual that I do is a result of her insistence that my brother and I "Do Something Worthwhile."  (He was a missionary to China for 37 years and is a Doctor.)  Without her prodding, I would have wasted time with trivia because, as I have told you before, I have perfected the art of procrastination.  She was the disciplined one.

Now, I reap the joy of service, while she is in heaven and gets the glory.  I had a wonderful mother.  

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