Tuesday, October 15, 2019

As for you and me, when the roll is called up yonder, we'll be in heaven.  The faith side of paradise is empty and no one is going there any more.  We are going directly to be with Him.

What I hope is that He comes soon.  I'm ready for God to put an end to all the evil in this world.  As Ruth Graham once remarked (Billy Graham's wife) "If God doesn't punish America, He'll have to apologize to Sodom and Gomorrah."  I don't think she was being disrespectful, she was just making a comparison between America today and Sodom back then.  There isn't much difference.

My publisher finished 25 more pages yesterday.  She will be back from a publishing convention on Thursday and if we keep this 25 pages a day up, we'll be working Friday and get our part done in four more days.  Hallelujah!

Sam (Scott' son) called to tell me he was sitting by my friend Kathy on Sunday, and they had the same markings in their Bibles on the first chapter of Genesis.  They looked at each other and said, "Janie!"  Which probably is true.  I had Kathy in class for a study on that, and Sam has repeatedly asked me questions on the subject.

If you haven't heard me teach Genesis, chapter one, google it.  Your kids need to know that the Bible is true cover to cover and how it fits with the science of strata, carbon dating, dinosaurs, and all the rest.

I recently watched a program that described how the earth was darkened by a sulfur compound that burned and caused the world to be dark for years--created by an asteroid hitting the earth in the gulf of Mexico.  Interesting.  The scientific (Not religious) program said it caused the dinosaurs to go extinct 66 million years ago.  Which explains why there is nothing in the strata after that.  "The earth was void, and without form, and darkness was on the face of the deep..." Sounds like the Bible got it right.

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