Wednesday, October 2, 2019

I've had two Spam calls this week already.  Telling me that my Social Security number has been compromised and I need to contact them immediately.

I know not to answer, but there are so many older people who lived in a time when crime of this nature wasn't common.  They think the calls are real.  

One of the women in my choir gave the caller everything.  They cleaned out her bank account.  She was poor to begin with.  

Most older people haven't kept up with the internet.  They are used to having someone "real" talk to them on the phone.  That's how they lived their entire lives until the internet came along, and many of them don't know what the internet is, and the others don't trust it.  Talking to a real person on the phone is their way to get things done.  So they trust "real" voices.

Someone told the choir lady she should have checked it out and "Googled" it.  She didn't know what google was.

I sympathize.  It's hard to keep up.  Just when I learn how to do something, it becomes obsolete.  I was cleaning my garage yesterday, and found all sorts of hand held devices that had to be trashed.  Wires, cords to things no longer useful.  

Well, not entirely useless, a family of mice had made a home under it all.

And a black widow spider had woven a web around the garage door beam that helps the door come down.

They are gone.  I wish spiders and mice would become obsolete.

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