Monday, October 21, 2019

Every morning since March, I have been wakened by air gun hammers pounding nails.  The March hail storm--baseball hail--cut a one mile wide swath from Quail Springs directly over my neighborhood and all the way to I-35. There was a tornado in it, but it didn't touch down.  Thank God.

Every roof on every side of me for a mile in each direction has been undergoing replacing shingles.  And over half of them, including me, new decking as well.  And of course, rain spouts and drains, and paint.  I wonder if the pounding on the roofs will ever cease.  Not enough roofers to get it all done in seven months.

Last night, it rained so hard that, of course, Squig was a mess.  He has to have a tranquilizer just so he can take a breath.  He got through all the preliminary lightening and thunder in the distance as it was approaching--no problem, but once the rain drops hit the roof, he came unglued.  

I don't get it.  What is there about the sound of rain plopping on the ground or roof that frightens him?  He kept me up all night.  I finally gave up at three in the morning.  Now, he is sleeping.  And I am awake.  Good thing I love him.

Still no news from my publisher.  All we need is (are) a couple of hours a day on the phone this week and this would be done.  I just can't seem to get her hooked up to an agenda.  It's already driven me crazy, or I would go nuts.  But you can't go somewhere if you already are there?  I'm already there. 

She promised my printed copy to me in May.  She promised twenty printed copies by July 4 to take to my high school reunion.  She promised publication in September, etc. etc.....  I've never understood why people say they will do something, and then they don't.  Why not just tell the truth, or say that they don't know???  It would be easier to deal with.

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