Tuesday, October 22, 2019

My neighbor across the street set ten mouse traps in the garage for me, and yesterday a mouse met his maker. It was upsetting for me, because the mouse suffered.  I don't mind killing a mouse, but I hate for any animal to suffer.

He got his foot caught in the trap and had a slow death.  I was so upset, that I thought about removing all the other traps.  But the chance of that ever happening again is slim to none.  I've killed a lot of mice in my day, and never had one trapped by the foot.

I still don't know what is in the attic.  Tony is supposed to come Friday and check it out.  It is definitely something bigger than a mouse.  The mice come in under the garage door--it needs a new rubber seal.  Tony can do that as well.

Every time you move into a new or different house there are all sorts of things that need to be done.  The front and back doors need new rubber seals also.

That's not all that I'm upset about.  Sunday as I was getting on the elevator at church, a director that I had heard speak at a conference got on as well.  He asked me my name, I told him "Janie Jacks," and he said, "Oh! I'm glad to meet you.  You are famous around here."  No lie.  That's what he said.  And I have no idea what he meant.  I only know a handful of people, maybe thirty, in the church--because there is no real avenue for me to meet them.  

So there are only two possibilities.  Either I've done something wonderful--which I know for a fact isn't the case.  I come to church, teach my class and go home.  Or I've done something terrible and I am on the "bad list."  

How does that man know my name?  I am like a mouse in this church. The church is huge.  Nobody knows me except for the women I teach.  But one way or another, I am "famous."  Which is unsettling.  The question is: why??? 

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