Wednesday, October 23, 2019

I took the shirt off that I wore yesterday to throw it in the wash.  I had only had it on for ten minutes when I asked myself why I was wearing it.  It was so old it looked like it was on it's last leg. (or last sleeve)

It's going to the trash, but I'm so OCD, I have to wash it before I can throw it away.  I'm going to ask myself from now on--before I put a shirt on--do I really want to keep this in my wardrobe?   How do you know when something is so worn out that it is done for and needs to be deep-sixed? 

I just keep stuff and wear it--with no thought as to whether it's worn out or not.  Old shirts are like old friends.  Comfortable.  

Old Levis are the same.  But now, holes in your Levis are all the rage.  Which means I'm in style.

At last count I had 46 pairs of shoes.  If you divide that into winter, summer, spring and fall, it doesn't sound so bad--that's 11+ per season.  And of course some are dress--then there are the brown, navy, black, red--you have to have colors!  And Becky brought me four more pairs the other day that didn't sell at an estate sale she had, and went to half price.  All brand new in the box. 

Two pairs are Keds.  Fancy ones.  But I haven't worn them because I don't want to get them dirty.  Which defeats the purpose of shoes.

I wear an 8 narrow and even though 8 is a normal size that a lot of people wear, not many people have narrow feet--trust me you don't want narrow feet.  It's too hard to find shoes.  I really need more shoes???

Here's the scripture for that:Romans 10:15 How beautiful are the feet of them that preach the gospel of peace, and bring glad tidings of good things! (Feet need shoes.)

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