Thursday, October 3, 2019

I went to one of those "All You Can Eat" buffets for lunch yesterday.  You gain five pounds just looking at all the food.

And of course, you eat too much.

I've often wondered why God made all the good stuff high calorie.  Everything you really want to eat makes you gain too much weight.

Which means that you have to discipline yourself and balance your meals.  It's a good thing I love turnip greens.  You can eat all the turnip greens you want and never gain a pound.

Problem is, they aren't any good unless you cook them in bacon grease.

It's also a good thing that I have one of those high metabolic systems.  I burn up calories just sitting and thinking.

Lately, I've been so mad at my publisher that I constantly stew and burn calories thinking about the fact that I'm trapped.  I can't finish her editing unless she calls me, and I can't control when that happens.

We've finished 68 pages and have 136 to go.  It is the most frustrating thing I ever remember being involved in.  I'm not the problem.  The hold up is on her end of the deal.  This book was supposed to be published in September.   

Obviously, that isn't going to happen.  I keep reminding the publisher that she may have all the time in the world--but I don't.

I should have let Carolyn edit it and published it myself.  But I didn't, and now I'm stuck at the beck and call of a publisher.  It's driving me nuts.

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