Wednesday, October 30, 2019

There are a number of dreams that I have over and over again.  The one that gives me the most angst concerns being late.

I was raised to always be on time, and taught that you were stealing other people's time if you were late--you were telling others that you are better than they are, that you don't have to be on time because you are special!!  which is wrong!  Those rules were engraved in my brain.  Add to that, I was also taught that you do what you say you will do.  You are dependable.  

Put those two things together and you have the script for my repeated nightmare:  In the dream, I have driven to work at the college and when I get to my office of twenty years, everything is gone.  The room is empty.

I don't know what class I am teaching at eight AM, and there are no people and no schedule to tell me where the classroom is, I can't find my text books, or what book I need to take with me.  Or where I'm supposed to go.  

I wander around the campus, trying desperately to find a schedule, to find someone who can tell me where to go, someone who can tell me what subject I am supposed to be teaching, where my classroom is, which building:  Algebra, Trig, Business Calculus... what!!  Where!!

It is probably a flash back to my first week at NEO when I drove fifty-five miles to a strange town, when I didn't know the names of the multiple buildings and every class I taught was in a different classroom in a different building.  I never knew exactly where I was going or expected to be.  I was always running across campus to get a different textbook from my office and get back across campus to a different building and a different room.  It's nice to be retired.  

When I wake up in the morning, I always can find my kitchen and my hot tea.

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