Friday, October 25, 2019

It's really cold here.  And wet.  I even turned the heater on.  Tony wasn't able to get here today, he had to cancel--but said he was coming tomorrow to check to see what is in my attic and set traps. I hope whatever critter is in my attic gets miserably cold tonight and leaves.

Where do squirrels go in the winter??  I have never thought about that before.  You see them running up and down the tree limbs in the summer, spring and fall, but I never thought about where they go when it gets cold.

Probably in someone's attic--like mine.  Tony will probably find a stash of acorns up there.  I hope they haven't chewed on any electrical wires. 

My choir was supposed to sing today at The Timbers.  I called the director and told him that  I wouldn't be able to get the marimba out of the trunk of my car because of the rain,  (It breaks down into seven pieces.) because the wood keys would get wet.  

He decided to cancel everything because the choir members are older and don't need to be getting out of their cars and into a building in the rain.  They have a hard enough time getting from their cars into a building in the sunshine.

Growing older has its problems.  Doing it with grace is a bummer.

My doorbell isn't working.  Squig, however, does.  He never barks inside the house unless someone comes to the door.  And then he comes unglued.  He weighs all of twelve or thirteen pounds and thinks he's a guard dog.

Tomorrow, Saturday, my connection group that I teach is having a party.  It gives us a chance to get to know each other better.  I like that.  Everyone brings food.  I like that, too.  God bless your weekend.

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