Friday, October 4, 2019

I have put off going to the grocery store to buy milk and bread for a week.  Today, I'm going to do it.  Eventually, you gotta do what you gotta do.

The thing that stops me is getting in the car.  The simplest things get harder. 

It's in my head--I know--but I'd much rather sit and read than go to the grocery store.

Jeanette has offered to go for me.  Pat has too.  But I think if a person stops going to the grocery store, that's it.  You're done.  Jeanette brought me salt last week--I was out.  That helped.  You've got to have salt.

I'm just never going to let that grocery shopping job go for six weeks again.  That's what I did last month.  Getting stuff out of the car and into the kitchen was monumental.  Sack after sack.  I'm never going to do that again. 

I tip someone to load it in the car, but I have to get it out and get it in the house when I get home.

What I should be saying is "Praise God I can still do it.  Praise God I have the funds to buy what I need.  Praise God I live in a nation where I can go to the store and buy anything I want.  "Praise God I have neighbors who bring me a plate of food two or three times a week."

Linda, next door cooks beans and fried okra every Wednesday.  I make the cornbread.  They are moving.  It makes me sad.  They have been wonderful neighbors.

I'm going to the store and get milk and bread...I am...I am.

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