Wednesday, October 16, 2019

I don't like to figure things out that are technical.  I find my computer overwhelming.  When something goes wrong, I get out my "Word for Dummies" book and try to solve the problem, but I just get more confused.

The problem is the words.  I don't know what they mean.  Things like HTML, and ribbon, and link and permalink, etc.  I am afraid that I will do the wrong thing.  Everybody says just try something and see what happens.

When I do that, I can't seem to get back where I was before and try again, I feel like I've fallen down a rabbit hole.

How do people ever learn a new language?  I took three courses in Italian and only learned one word.  I think language may be my Waterloo.  

If somebody shows me something, I get it.  It's just difficult for me to read a foreign language like "Computer" and know what I'm reading.

I wish there was a class taught by a REAL human for people like me.  Problem is, the things I need to know come up randomly.  I think I need to start writing down the snags I have and the solutions to them when someone shows me what to do.

Then I have to remember where I put my notes.


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