Thursday, October 24, 2019

Judy Cameron passed away yesterday.  She and Carolyn were best friends for all their lives.  Judy's father, Dr. Cameron was everyone's doctor back in my day. He set my broken arm.  He delivered almost every baby in town.  Judy was his only daughter.  I am sad.  I am sad for Carolyn.  It is so hard to lose a friend.

When Dr. Cameron passed, Carolyn bought his house and has lived there all the rest of her life.  Memories.

Finished all my testing for the year (I hope) and all is well.  Stress test, echo gram, EKG were perfect.  Mammogram clear. (thank God--eleven years in remission)  They won't say you are cured.  They say you are back in the general public average.  No more risk than anyone else.  Get your tests.  It can save your life.  

At teacher's meeting last night, we studied the fourth chapter of Ephesians.  I've always called it the "Put off, Put on" chapter.  Paul says we have to put off the old life before we can put on the new life.

Some people want to put on the trappings of Christianity without putting off their old behaviors.  I heard a sermon once on this scripture passage where the pastor said it was like taking off a dirty smelly robe, then putting on a clean one.  If you don't take the old robe off before you put the new one on, you don't get rid of the smell.  It's impossible to be clean outside if you are dirty on the inside.

Judy read my blog every day.  I am sure there are others out there who do as well.  Knowing you are reading---keeps me writing.

God bless you.  Throw your old robes away.  Put on the armor of God to protect you from the evil of the world we live in.  I don't want to lose any of the rest of you.


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