Thursday, October 17, 2019

If it wasn't for junk mail in my mailbox, and junk e-mail on my computer, I wouldn't have any mail at all.  Except for bills and an occasional letter from Amy Smith.  She writes at least once a month and has done that for four years now.  

It is so nice to get a letter in cursive from her.  She is faithful to write to me and I can't help but wonder how many other people she writes to.  It must be a gift.  I know it is a gift to get the letters.

I feel like that about posting.  Every time I think, "This is the last time," I wonder if someone will miss a post from me--even if it is Email. So I keep it up.  

Sometimes I write it, then forget to post it.  But I have another friend who texts me (Rebecca Perkins) to say, "You forgot to post."

And every now and then, my son-in-law, Craig, comments on what I've written.  He is way above the intellectual level of what I write, but he takes the time to read it.  

So here is my scripture for your day, "Whatsoever your hand findeth to do, do it with all your might."  Ecclesiastes 9:10  These days for me, it is to write. 

I just finished a second book.  It is ready to get transferred to a flash drive and sent to the printer.  I will give the copy to Carolyn to edit.  Rebecca Perkins already has a copy.  They will fix my mistakes.

I'll think twice before I give it to the publisher.  There will be ironclad clauses that will put a limit on how long she can have it before it is finished with her final editing, and publication.  I've learned some things since I gave the first book to a publisher.  The most important thing I've learned is to not listen to what they say.  Get it in writing.

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